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Sunday, April 6, 2008

How Your Mind Is Structured - Day 2

How To Maximize The Power Of Your Mind - Day 2
Day 2:  'How Your Mind Is Structured'
Last time, we got to understand just how powerful the mind
really is so in order to fully maximize its power, it's prudent that we
understand the structure behind it. 
Generally speaking, the mind is made up of two parts: 
the conscious and the subconscious. 
The conscious mind is the one that holds your daily thoughts
("It's boring.", "It's cold in here."  "It's such a crummy day.", etc.). 
You know that you are thinking these thoughts, hence you are conscious
of them. 
What about the subconscious mind?  Your subconscious mind is an extraordinary
piece of technology. It is constantly working 24 hours a day, 7 days a week,
regulating your heartbeat, pumping blood throughout your body, controlling
your breathing when you're sleeping, etc.,  It's doing everything in the
background without you even knowing it. 
It's also the world's best information sponge.  It's constantly taking in
information via your 5 senses that far surpass anything you experience
consciously.  For example, if you walk into a bookstore, your conscious
mind takes note of all the things you experience but your subconscious
mind is actually storing all the data you don't experience consciously: 
the person to the left of you, the book in the lower corner of the shelf,
the magazines to the right of you, etc.  It's all in your subconscious: 
you just don't remember it consciously.  All that data can be brought back
through various methods so we know for a fact that your subconscious mind
is storing all that data. 
What is the relationship between the two parts of the mind if any? 
1.  The conscious mind is the gatekeeper of the subconscious mind.
2.  The subconscious mind obeys the conscious mind.
Let's use a simple example to illustrate this relationship. I want you to
look at your hand and imagine holding a yellow lemon that's sliced open.  
What just happened? 
Your mouth started to salivate didn't it? 
Let me ask you this.  Was there a lemon in your hand?  Well, there
wasn't actually one physically in your hand, but there was one in your mind,
more specifically your conscious mind.  Since your conscious mind is the
gatekeeper of the subconscious, that image got passed to the subconscious
mind which then triggered the release of saliva in your mouth. 
We discover another important point in this example and that is simply
that your subconscious mind believes what is in your conscious mind. 
That's very important so I'll repeat that again.  Your subconscious mind believes
what is in your conscious mind.  There was no actual lemon in your hand,
but there was in your mind and that's all that matters when it comes
to your subconscious.  This is a powerful concept so keep that in mind
as we'll be coming back to it later.
Your subconscious mind can trigger immediate action like we just saw
and it can also trigger habitual action.  Take for example driving.  When you
first started out driving, you were conscious of everything. The cars next to you,
behind you, in front of you, the gear shifting, the radio, the rear view mirror, etc. 
However, as you kept on driving, all that became second nature to you. 
You constantly practiced driving and that activity got drilled into your
subconscious to the point where when you drive, you don't drive like you
did in the beginning.  You go into a zone.  That's your subconscious mind
taking over for you right there.
From that we learn that the subconscious mind is responsible for our
habitual unconscious behavior.  Note that the subconscious mind can only
do this once an activity has been repeated enough times. 
(That's another very important concept to remember by the way).
Now in order to fully maximize your mind, it seems logical that we should
focus on your subconscious mind because it yields the greatest influence
in our actions but remember, your subconscious mind is a slave to your
conscious mind.  The conscious mind is the gatekeeper of the subconscious. 
Whatever is held in the conscious mind gets passed down to the subconscious
so let's focus on the conscious mind. 
Here's the kicker though. The majority of people don't have control over
the thoughts in their conscious mind. They let them go rampant and as a
result, fear, doubt, negative thinking easily fill the conscious mind which gets
passed on to the subconscious and the subconscious mind obeys that and
brings those things into your reality.
Here's a simple example.  Hold in your conscious mind, thoughts of negativity
and your subconscious mind will go and filter your reality to show you just how
negative the world is.  Remember, the conscious mind is the General. 
The General says "Go to negative territory", the soldier (your subconscious mind)
just follows the directions.  Your subconscious mind keeps track of all the data
that you process in your environment so it can easily go fetch you evidence of
negative circumstances should you choose to think of them.  "I don't have much
in my bank account.  My job sucks because I have a stupid boss.  My friends
don't like me." 
Your subconscious is an expert data miner.  It will look at those thoughts
and provide evidence of them in its massive data warehouse to come up
with reasons to back those statements up.  It will keep on doing this because
that's essentially what you told it to do.  It presents that evidence to you,
which in turn, makes you think of even more negative thoughts. 
For example, you tell yourself - "Nobody likes me".  Your subconscious mind
gets fed that statement and provides you evidence of why nobody likes you. 
"You have no confidence.  You're boring.  You can't hold a good conversation." 
You think these thoughts again and your subconscious mind again, being the
good solider that it is, comes up with reasons to back up these new statements. 
You start engaging in a vicious cycle that easily leads to a downward spiral.   
Our conscious minds hold the thoughts we think and if we repeat them enough,
they get drilled into the subcsonisous where it results in the habitual influence
of our future thoughts and actions.    The key is to realize we have the power
to choose what thoughts we hold in our conscious minds.  Repeat the thoughts
that we want enough and they will slowly get drilled into our subconscious mind
and manifest themselves in our future thoughts and actions.  I can't stress enough
that this takes time (remember the example of driving). 
That's the key behind people who are so optimistic.  They are aware of what
thoughts they put in their head so they constantly put positive ones in and once
they habituate that enough, the subconscious mind takes over and does it automatically
for them.  They don't have to force it anymore. 
Most people don't exert any control over their thoughts so it's really easy for
negative thinking to creep in and set roots because negative thinking doesn't take
any work at all.  It's like weeds. They grow anywhere, anytime, without
any nutrition whatsoever. 
What you have to start doing is taking control of your thoughts.  However, it
takes time because most people never really took control of them from the start. 
In the beginning, you may only catch 5-10%.   A few weeks later, maybe 20%. 
Then you'll get to the point where you're conscious of the thoughts you're thinking
that you can change them on the spot.
I'm not saying you have to control every thought that enters your mind. That
would be very difficult to do.  Just a majority of your thoughts.  Remember,
the conscious mind is the gateway to your subconscious so take back control
of your conscious mind. 
The conscious mind is the key to your subconscious so get to work on
controlling that first.  The next issue will go more in-depth on how to utilize
your conscious mind to unlock the power of your subconscious mind.
To the inevitable achievement of all your hopes and dreams,
Brian Kim

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