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Wednesday, March 19, 2008

How to get rid of headaches.

  • Feel the top ridge of your eyesocket under the eyebrow. You will discover a small groove in your skull about the center of the top of the eyesocket. In this groove is a nerve which is very sensitive to pressure. If you compress this nerve, it will be very painful. However, the pain will stimulate the pituitary to release endorphins immediately. The endorphins are the body's own natural painkillers and are more powerful than morphine.
  • To stimulate the nerve, push hard against it for about 10 seconds.
  • Lean your head over and hit the back of it with medium pressure.
  • Repeat about 20 times and then rest to see if enough endorphin was released to stop the headache.
  • A similar method for releasing endorphins is to take 10 teaspoons of cayenne pepper in a glass of water. This is not harmful. When the cayenne hits the stomach lining, endorphins will be released by the brain to stop the pain.
  • Try putting a cold compress on your forehead or behind the neck. Many headaches are caused by tense neck muscles. Conversely, use a moist hot pack to loosen up tense muscles - see which works best for you.
  • Massage the ears and ear lobes.
  • Similar in concept to the endorphin release - nerve stimulation through acupressure can offer some relief of symptoms. Search for "Do-in" or "acupressure" on the web.
  • Another option is to get a bottle of magnesium citrate at the grocery store. It is in the pharmacy section and comes in a little green bottle. Cost is $1. Take 5 ounces of the magnesium on an empty stomach and the headache will go away. The magnesium citrate is sold as a laxative however 5 ounces will not have this effect. Magnesium citrate hydrates the gut - it is not a true cathartic laxative. If you suffer from migrane headaches, try taking HTP6 and Iodine tabs daily. They help increase blood flow in the brain, relieving headaches. Always check with your family doctor before trying any home remedies.
  • Get off the computer and go to a light, quiet room and read.
  • Grab the sternocleidomastoid muscle (the muscle that sticks out in the front of your neck if you turn your head to either side) between your thumb and index finger. If you work up or down the muscle you find tender points. Hold a tender point with as much pressure as you can while remaining relaxed. Release it and massage around it at least once a minute. Don't hold the same point for more than a couple minutes. The pain may refer up into the temples then you know you hit a good one.
    • WARNING: Behind the sternocleidomastoid is the carotid artery and vagus nerve. Pinching these off can cause faintness or even brain damage by disturbing blood flow to the brain. If you feel faint, dizzy, or nauseated while working on that muscle, stop immediately and lay down for several minutes.
  • If you have a headache that last more than a day, consult your Chiropractor or Doctor.. Your headache may be caused by a subluxation of the vertebrae in your neck.
  • Massage the "crown" of your head. There is a ring of muscles that circle the head where a crown would sit. Once the muscles have relaxed, your headache will disappear!
  • Headaches are a result of trauma or blockage. If you didn't get hit in the head, it's probably blockage. The most powerful action of cayenne (capsaicin) on a head ache is not the release of endorphins, although this is a feature. The primary action is the circulatory system response. This will help get blood pumping better to the pained part of your head.
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